First Teaching Practice, Second Period
Once the second period started, we were assigned to different groups (I mean "we" as teacher to be). It is a great plesure for me to say that I was assigned to a group in which not only me but also my students can develope our potential while we are teaching-learning English. I was assigned to an English ACCESS group whose teacher is Mr. Pedro Sandoval. Anyways, this section is to explain you a little bit about how my first class was like.
I started it on time, just after the bell's ring. I introduced myself with all my Ss; then, I gave all my Ss a short piece of paper for them to write their names on it so that I could call them by their names in the next activities. When it was done, my following task was to review the topic (Simple Present positive and negative). I order to do so I developed a warm up called "Broken Telephone", which I think all teachers have played it before, so that you all know the drill. Unfortunately, this activity did not work at all because my Ss only could write 3 of 5 sentences in the time that they had for doing so (It might be because of the lenght of the entences I used). Because of the time, I had to jump to the next activity.
I introduced the topic, orally (It was Simple Present Interrogative, Yes/No Questions and short answers); Then, I spreaded some photocopies to my Ss. These pages contained a Find Some Who. I explained them how the activity went like; then, they started asking questions to the their classmates. Finally, I used the data that they collected in order to create some questions and short answers in small pieces of paper.
The last activity that I developed with my Ss was Idea Puddle. So, the final task for Ss was to fold thise pieces of paper and throw them to an imaginary puddle. Unfortunately, when I was going to ask them to pick up one of those pieces of paper and read it aloud, the bell rang and they went out to enjoy their break.