viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

My second Teaching Practice, Second Period

Present Progressive

 Hello everyone, this is T Nery Mendoza, again! Now, I will tell you about my second class in this second period. "It was very short, but still good", my mentor said, when he was giving me feedback. Let me explain you why. I started it around fifteen minutes late because my mentor did not arrive on time arguing that his grandpa was in the hospital. What I want to say is that I was just wasting time while waiting for the mentor, but we, this my Ss and I, were discussing about other factors that we share, for example that they we have an scholarship. in few words, I used that time to create a better rapport between them and I.

Well, once the mentor arrived, I started my second class by playing "Red Elbow" and they enjoyed it at all. Even the mentor and my peer Manuel were laughing a lot. We were doing it over soccer field because of the space. Then, I reviewed the topic by developíng a repetition drill activity. I used many flashcards and all my Ss were repeating and passing them around. That activity was also developed outside.

The last activity that I could develop was the practice of a dialogue that I create for them i which the speaker A explained how to use the verbs in the present progressive form. It was a good way that I found to teach them inductively.

jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

First Teaching Practice, Second Period

First Teaching Practice, Second Period

Once the second period started, we were assigned to different groups (I mean "we" as teacher to be). It is a great plesure for me to say that I was assigned to a group in which not only me but also my students can develope our potential while we are teaching-learning English. I was assigned to an English ACCESS group whose teacher is Mr. Pedro Sandoval. Anyways, this section is to explain you a little bit about how my first class was like.

I started it on time, just after the bell's ring. I introduced myself with all my Ss; then, I gave all my Ss a short piece of paper for them to write their names on it so that I could call them by their names in the next activities. When it was done, my following task was to review the topic (Simple Present positive and negative). I order to do so I developed a warm up called "Broken Telephone", which I think all teachers have played it before, so that you all know the drill. Unfortunately, this activity did not work at all because my Ss only could write 3 of 5 sentences  in the time that they had for doing so (It might be because of the lenght of the entences I used). Because of the time, I had to jump to the next activity.

I introduced the topic, orally (It was Simple Present Interrogative, Yes/No Questions and short answers); Then, I spreaded some photocopies to my Ss. These pages contained a Find Some Who. I explained them how the activity went like; then, they started asking questions to the their classmates. Finally, I used the data that they collected in order to create some questions and short answers in small pieces of paper.

The last activity that I developed with my Ss was Idea Puddle. So, the final task for Ss was to fold thise pieces of paper and throw them to an imaginary puddle. Unfortunately, when I was going to ask them to pick up one of those pieces of paper and read it aloud, the bell rang and they went out to enjoy their break.