martes, 29 de agosto de 2017

Second Semester, Class 1

Second Semester, Class number one...


Hello everyone! I am glad to be talking to you one more time! Today, I am going to talk about my first teaching practicum in this semester. I’m going to tell you some details for you to have a better idea of the whole picture: I had the pleasure to be teaching in the room F-21, which is the room for Intermediate English I, group “D”. I started my class at 8:35 a.m. My mentor is Teacher Henry Cartagena, an amazing person. There were around 17 guys, boys and girls, in the classroom by that time and the rest were arriving later.

I started my class presenting myself and giving a piece of paper to all my Ss for them to write their names so that they could be called by their names. Then, I continued with a warm up very easy in which Ss had to count from 1 to 10 (go and back). After that activity, I asked my Ss if they had brought their passports so that they could travel to around the world with me. Since they were not holding their passports, I told them that they could use the pieces of paper with their names as IDs.

Right after, I had them going out to the main hallway where there were some pics of different places and/or activities that we can do around the world. Finally, I had them working on page 6 of the book in the grammar part.

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