martes, 29 de agosto de 2017

Second Semester, Class 2

Second Semester, Class number two...

Hello everyone, this is teacher Nery one more time! Today I want to talk about the second class I tought in the second semester, 2017. That was a pretty nice class because I prepared many material (It means visual aids). The class was about movie genres and the grmmar was about 'd rather. I started the class with a warm up called "Poker Face" in which Ss were divided into two groups. Then, they were taking turns to pass an seat down in front of the oposite groups. The challenge was DO NOT LAUGH FOR 10 SECONDS! Only boys could get it.

Then, I had them working on a gallery walk that I had prepared for them in which I presented them eight of the different genres that there are. I could observe that they enjoy that activity since they did not want to stop. Just after that, I explained them the grammar part and they developed some exercises to practice it. After that, I had them working on a reading about some of the most famous movies, lately. 

And, finally, I had them working in trios. They had to presetn what was their favorite movie explaining what the genre was about and some other aspects...using the grammar structure that we were studying in the class.

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